hey first welcome and thanks for your application
Im not sure whats "strakbol" means buts sound like something for training?
we are always open for players from all countries and everyone here is able to speak english ( already have an english memeber anomaly
) but the most of us are german and you probably have to come over it that the most buissnes will be in german language and we only will discuss the important things ijn english...
until now i never heard of you sorry
but a year of playtime is such enough for have some pvp knoweleges. (guess so because secondary level is not that sure to me
For me it would be nice to meet you ingame or on our ts server (maby some other did before than i take it back
).. when you see a dragon claw member ingame just write to him and we give you the adress
we will discuss it intern.
with deluxinated greets